"I love going to work everyday!" Do you yearn to say this? You work hard, do what is asked of you at work but still feel frustrated that you are not getting ahead, getting recognised for your efforts?

Spending time in a job that you don’t enjoy is draining.  You have a choice!

Percentage of employees disengaged in the workforce



Gallup daily tracking

Want to be the part of the 30% who ARE engaged?

We work together to identify your strengths and values, discover what is important to you in your professional life, and combine this with a vision, your ultimate goal of where you see yourself in your career and create a realistic, actionable, measurable plan to get you there.

That with a good dose of accountability, we keep you challenged to achieve what you want you most in your professional life.

If you don’t know what you want in your professional life, you are NOT alone! Many clients desire to work together to get this clarity and purpose!

Do you have the Emotional and Social Intelligence to be a strong leader in your organization?

Daniel Goldman’s work on Emotional Intelligence has revolutionized the way the business world views leadership. Gone are the days where empathy, hope and compassion were fluffy aspects in one’s approach to business.

Having a clear vision of where you want to be, (life purpose), the strategies to get you there (your values) and the tactics to accomplish the vision (living in and embracing positive perspectives) is just some of the work that will take you to your next level of leadership and performance in your career.

Want to know how emotionally intelligent you are? Try this quick quiz from Mindtools.com:


Watch this space for an innovative and one of a kind On-line Leadership Development Program, Spring 2017.

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